I'm working on a day/night cycle script, and I'm totally done except for the Color.Lerp
when 1 day/night cycle is set to 1 minute, the speed of the Color.Lerp is 0.004 it takes like 2-4 seconds
when cycle is set to 2 minutes color lerp is set to 0.002 (50%, with is good!)
but when i set the cycle to more than 10 minutes Color.Lerp isn't really slow but it just doesn't work
is this because unity cuts floats with more than 3 characters behind the comma
some code (Thats bassicly how i do it)
var CycleInMinutes = 12;
var Day : Color;
private var CurrentSkyColor : Color;
function Update () {
skycolor.camera.backgroundColor = CurrentSkyColor;
CurrentSkyColor = Color.Lerp(CurrentSkyColor,Day,Time.deltaTime * 0.004 / CycleInMinutes);