StreamReader in while loop stops/freezes unity
i am trying to make a script that checks if theres incoming data, using a while loop. but when i use the StreamWriter it waits until it receives data before continuing. is there a way to let this run...
View ArticleStreamReader & Unity still does weird things
yesterday i posted a question on how i could use StreamReader WITHOUT letting unity crash.... i taken out the loop BUT theres still some weird stuff when i start the server (a java server) en connect...
View Articlerotation.y gets wrong data
i know this must be something very simple but i can't figure out why transform.rotation.y is giving me 0.** and not the right number when my rotation on Y is 200, and i put a script on there with...
View ArticleNetworking Physics / Object Ownership / State Sync
I'm trying to find a good way to update an object's state. I'm not using SmartFox, Photon, or Unity's built-in networking because i couldn't get the results i wanted trough those. i decided to make my...
View Articleforce quitting
i sometimes find myself in a situation where everything freezes because i forgot to code something to make a certain loop stop, result ing in sometimes spawning billions of objects accidentally. the...
View ArticleEndless ogg streams
I'm trying to see if i can get an endless ogg stream to work in unity. what my system is, is to download 10 seconds of the stream, than streaming that while another 10 seconds gets downloaded, then...
View ArticleCant find specific GUI Object thing
I'm looking for a way to put this to unity, i can't give names because i don't know what the name is. i used a text area to replicate what it looks like, but it doesnt work ilk ethe original thing....
View ArticleGlobal Fog - ImageEffectOpaque - 3D Text - Trees
so I'm trying to fix the particle bug, because particles are transparent, they become invisible when passing the global fog. i looked for an answer and i thought i got it, but i noticed that all the...
View ArticleScreen.width + Draw Texture not screen width
i use GUI.DrawTexture and Screen.width/height to fill the screen with a texture, but Screen.width gives me Screen.width - 1. even when i write Screen.width + 1 in code i can't get it to fill up the...
View ArticleLoading.ReadObject CPU Spike
when load a scene of my game, after a few seconds of loading, i noticed a HUGE spike in CPU usage cause by "Loading.ReadObject". is there a way to read all object in the scene on the start? and...
View ArticleHow does Unity compile 3D Models?
when you build your game, how does unity compile all the different 3D files (.obj, .3ds, .x)? i just wanna know if unity compiles it all into one object file or it just reads all different types on the...
View ArticleNetworkStream.GetStream() Coroutine
how can i make NetworkStream.GetStream a coroutine? i currently use Threading to avoid the main thread because the NetworkStream.GetStream waits for data before continuing and that temporarily freezes...
View ArticleNetworkStream Data Overpowering
hello there, my problem might be a bit complicated. i made my own server application using Java. i got 2 players, a chat, a server, and player state sync **heres my problem:** when i have 2 players,...
View Articlestatic TCPClient bugs connection on LoadLevel
im working on a project with multiple worlds on a server and i use TCPClient to connect to the server. i made the server myself and its not anything like SmartFox or Photon or something. basically im...
View ArticleObjImporter.cs returns nothing
Im trying to import .obj files at runtime and saw that a plugin was already made. i tried to use it. ( but whatever i try, i can't get it to work. it...
View ArticleSimple Prefab Instantiate "(Clone)" Question
Is it possible to remove the "(Clone)" thingy that Unity adds to the GameObject name when i spawn a prefab?
View ArticleScene saving
can you save a scene in game, so that when the game is restarted people still have everything that was added or removed in the scene?
View ArticleColor.Lerp does not update
I'm working on a day/night cycle script, and I'm totally done except for the Color.Lerp when 1 day/night cycle is set to 1 minute, the speed of the Color.Lerp is 0.004 it takes like 2-4 seconds when...
View ArticleAdd More Terrain
is there a way to add more terrain? i already know you can set the resolution but when i do that EVERYTHING i already made gets resized. i just want to add another field without having 2 terrain objects
View ArticleDid i get hacked?
I had a weird message saying "The Scene files has externally been changed"! Did i get hacked and now someone has copied all my work? or is this just an error message of somekind!?!
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