i am trying to make a script that checks if theres incoming data, using a while loop. but when i use the StreamWriter it waits until it receives data before continuing.
is there a way to let this run in the background instead of it blocking unity from rendering the game until it has received the data?
i had to Force quit unity for like 20 times since now, and I'm trying to find a solution
Current script:
void Read() {
while(connection.Connected) {
try {
NetworkStream STREAM = connection.GetStream();
StreamReader IN = new StreamReader(STREAM);
string returndata = IN.ReadLine();
string[] returndata2 = returndata.Split(" "[0]);
string code = returndata2[0];
string text = returndata.Replace(code, "");
if(code == "#ChatMessage") {
BroadcastMessage("AddChatMessage", text);
catch (Exception c) {